Industry Honours
In Hawke’s Bay, grape growers and winemakers play diverse roles as employers, educators, stewards of the land and representatives on national and international fronts, contributing significantly to the Region’s vitality.
Hawke’s Bay Winegrowers Association recognises those pivotal to the local wine industry’s success with Life Member Awards honouring individuals for outstanding service and Fellow Members acknowledged for their long and notable contributions. These individuals are both highly respected and influential. Their collective efforts, dedication, and expertise have had a profound impact on the success of Hawke’s Bay Winegrowers Association.

Lifetime Members
George Fistonich, 2024
Peter Holley, 2022
Steve Smith, 2021
Tony Bish, 2020
Jenny Dobson, 2020
Paul Mooney, 2019
Bob Newton
Robin Sage
Gary Wood
Kevyn Moore
Alwyn Corban
Dr Alan Limmer
John Buck
John Rees
Wim Van Der Linden
Laurence Redshaw
Brother Joe Lamb
Bob Knappstein
Ash Oldershaw
Fellow Members
John McLoughlin, 2022
Rod McDonald, 2021
Xan Harding, 2021
Mal McLennan, 2020
Chris Howell, 2019
Kate Radburnd, 2019
Our Wine People
Meet our local wine making legends, explore cellar doors that pop up around every country corner or party with the locals at one of Hawke’s Bay’s many wine and food festivals.